Are you struggling with working out and eating healthy? Are you looking for a way to creatively document your wellness journey? Are you looking for a COmmunity of Christian women looking to focus on their wellness? I have a solution for you! Join the Wellness Journaling Course!

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In this course you will learn a lot about how to keep a wellness planner/journal, the benefits of keeping one, my favorite wellness planner supplies, and creative ideas on how to make your wellness planner and journal pages unique and interesting. You will learn what the Bible has to say about being wellness and taking care of our bodies, and you will join a Facebook Wellness Warriors COmmunity of likeminded women also wanting to work on their wellness journey. If you are struggling with your health, join me on this wellness planning and journaling journey.

  • Or don’t you know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. Therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s. 1 Cor. 6:19-20
  • Whether therefore you eat, or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. 1 Cor. 10:31
  • She arms her waist with strength, and makes her arms strong. Proverbs 31:17
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Click below to watch a sampler video! You'll see what the course looks like, as well as bits and pieces from some of the video lessons to give you a little taste of what the course is like!

"I am excited for this course and being a part of this wellness community group. I have been feeling very unmotivated and discouraged, but I feel like this has been God's answer to my prayer for help."
- Course member S.
This self-led course is for you if:
  • You want to learn more about how to wellness plan and journal. 
  • You need encouragement on your wellness journey.
  • You are looking for a way to fix your eyes on Jesus as you work on moving your body and eating healthy. 
  • You want to learn how to get creative as you document your wellness journey. 
"One of my goals for this year was to finally lose the extra weight and get to my goal weight and to be healthy. I was so excited when Hillary mentioned she was working on a course for wellness. I purchased the online course and am enthusiastic to get started. Thank you, Hillary, for all the ways that you share your heart and love for God and helping us grow with our walk with the Lord and now with our weight and honoring God."
- Course member V.

Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: When does this course begin and end?
A: This is a self-paced course. You can start it as soon as you purchase and work through it at your own pace.

Q: Do I get lifetime access to the course material?
A: Yes, as long as the Creative Faith COmmunity on the internet exists, you have access to the program.

Q: What is the refund policy?
A: Due to the digital nature of the course, the videos, the printables/digital files and workbook, there is no refund policy.

Q: How is the course delivered?
A: Through videos! There is also written text. A course workbook is also included for you to download and print. It has lots of pictures and written text, too. If you need any accommodations for learning styles, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Q: Is this course worth the investment?
A: It would cost a lot more to attend a workshop like this in-person. There are also tons of printables, patterned papers, etc. included, too, making this a steal of a deal.

Q: How long does this course take?
A: It depends on how fast you move through the material, of course. There are 10 lessons ranging from 10-25 minutes that you can work through at your own pace. You could work through a lesson a day, or you could binge watch them all in a weekend.

Q: I am too busy to finish it right now. Should I wait to purchase?
A: This is the best price the course will ever be! Be sure to scoop it up at this introductory price. You can wait to work through it until you're less busy.

Hello there! I'm Hillary.

I am a formally educated teacher with 7+ years of experience teaching in a classroom, in a church, and online. What are some of my passions? God's Word, prayer, and teaching others how to grow in their faith.

I have been creatively faith journaling since 2014, and I've kept a separate wellness planner and journal since 2019, making me a bit of an expert! I started Creative Faith & Co. in November of 2016. I enjoy combining my creativity with my faith. I live in Oregon with my husband, Juan. In addition to wellness planning and journaling, I love sloths, chocolate chip cookies, going on walks, speaking Spanish, and taking naps. I work full-time at my church, and I cannot wait to teach you more!

Course includes 14 video lessons for you to work through at your own pace! Plus 99 pages of printables!

Lesson Topics:
- Lesson 1: Welcome & my wellness journey/struggle (21 min)
- Lesson 2: What does the Bible say about wellness Part 1 (22 min)
- Lesson 2: What does the Bible say about wellness Part 2 (18 min)
- Lesson 3: Why should you create a wellness journal/planner? (4 min)
- Lesson 4: How to create a wellness vision/goals/mood board (25 min)
- Lesson 5: Favorite Wellness planner supplies (18 min)

- Lesson 6: Setting up my wellness planner (16 min)
- Lesson 7: Things to add to your wellness planner/journal (17 min)
- Lesson 8: Previous wellness planner flip through (16 min)
- Lesson 9: How to make a Self-Care BINGO board (24 min)
- Lesson 10: What’s next? 30 Day Wellness Challenge (19 min)
- BONUS: Wellness Plan with Me (11 min)
- BONUS: How to set up your workbook (20 min)
- BONUS: Weekly wellness vlogs uploaded throughout 2022

Let's get started!

Buy now!

  • 10 lessons in video format 
  • Printable course workbook
  • 99 pages of free printables: Wellness planner, Bible verse cards & more
  • Private Facebook Community to encourage one another
  • Bonus video: Wellness plan with me
  • Bonus videos throughout 2022: Weekly wellness vlogs

Buy Now (Instant Access)

A $200 value! Don't miss out! Join us on this wellness journaling journey!